
Customized ABA programs, including:

  • Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention

    Many peer-reviewed research studies have shown early, intensive behavioral intervention is effective for treatment of autism. This involves starting a quality ABA program at a young age (as soon as possible following diagnosis) for many hours (up to 40) each week. Great care is taken to develop rapport with each child, and to use toys and activities that s/he prefers, to make the most of motivation and make learning fun! Initial intervention often focuses on learning readiness skills such as making eye contact, sitting appropriately, imitating actions, following simple directions, requesting items and activities, and completing simple play activities; although each treatment program is individualized. ABA is recognized as best practice for treatment of autism. The Surgeon General of the United States, The National Institutes of Health, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have endorsed ABA for autism treatment.

  • Social Skills Instruction

    As skills are acquired in the 1:1 setting, peers or siblings may be incorporated systematically (i.e., dyads or small groups) to practice social interaction and group learning skills. All instruction is individualized, and any groups are formed by matching children with similar skills to ensure appropriate practice opportunities for each participant. Some skills addressed within social skills instruction may include initiating and maintaining conversations, joining in and sustaining play activities, following play directions, identifying and responding to emotions of others, taking turns, expressing frustration appropriately, and following rules.

  • Supported Inclusion in School and Community

    When children are able to demonstrate pre-requisite skills (including attending, following directions, participation in small group learning, and low rates of any challenging behavior), we seek opportunities for them to participate in typical group settings with support. For some children, this may be a music or karate class; for others, it may involve attending class within a community school program. Children attend these programs with support from a Gold Coast Children’s Center staff member, who provides help as needed and systematically fades support to promote independence. As the child gains independence, time in the inclusion setting is increased. The support staff ensures all skills previously taught within the child’s ABA program are generalized to the inclusion setting, and notes any areas of difficulty in the inclusion setting that should be added to the child’s ABA program for extra practice.

  • Life Skills and Prevocational Training

    Our unique office layout (including a kitchen, bedroom, living room, and bathroom with a shower), and our location in the heart of Darien (close to shops, restaurants, professional services, and parks) allow us to teach self –care and daily living skills effectively within natural settings. Our professionals work closely with families to identify appropriate goals for each individual. These may include toilet training, washing hands, brushing teeth, brushing hair, showering, dressing, applying deodorant, shaving, menstrual care, tolerating haircuts/dental exams/doctor visits, making a purchase, managing money, ordering and waiting appropriately in restaurants, etc. When learners approach teenage years, prevocational skills (such as taking inventory, stocking shelves, setting tables, making photocopies, shredding, filing, and cleaning) are pre-taught in our office, then generalized to supported volunteer work positions within the community.


Full Day School Program

Through the years, we have come into contact with several families struggling to find an appropriate educational setting for their children. We have also been approached by local school districts to provide an interim setting for learners until an appropriate educational program could be identified. We have responded to this need by bringing certified teachers onto our team, and extending the services provided to include a full day school program for some learners. As a new special education school, we cannot yet be put on the list of Approved Private Special Education Placements. We are in the process of applying to be state approved. Until this happens, learners are placed at the school program at Gold Coast Children’s Center by their parents, or by their family entering into a settlement agreement with school districts in order to fund the placement and the associated transportation.

Parent/Caregiver Training

Our BCBAs and behavior technicians work hands-on with parents to teach their children skills and manage challenging behavior. Our model is based on the scientifically validated approach known as Behavioral Skills Training (BST), which includes the use of instruction and modeling to show parents how to implement teaching procedures. Parents are then given the opportunity to immediately practice and receive guidance and feedback. This promotes successful implementation of teaching procedures at home following sessions, allowing for ongoing practice of skills. Our unique office setting (which simulates a home environment) and our location in the community provide opportunities to program for generalization.

Functional Behavior Assessment

Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) is a process used to assess an individual’s challenging behavior. Challenging behavior includes anything that interferes with an individual’s successful participation in home or community or impacts social interactions. Some examples of challenging behavior include crying or tantrums, aggression such as hitting, property destruction such as throwing objects, or self-injurious behavior such as head banging. Specific information about the challenging behavior is gathered through parent/teacher interview and direct observation. Behavior Analysts then use functional analysis to test conditions to determine the situations in which the behavior is likely to occur (i.e., why the problem behavior happens). This information is used to develop an individualized behavior management plan that includes proactive strategies, procedures specifying what to do when the challenging behavior occurs, and ways to teach appropriate alternative replacement behavior. This process facilitates efficient and effective interventions to reduce problem behavior. Parents are trained to implement the behavior management plan, and an objective measurement system is used to monitor ongoing progress.

Skills Assessments

Specific assessments are available to provide detailed evaluation of skills (including social, communication, and daily living domains). Examples of these assessments include the Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program (VB-MAPP), the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS), and the Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS). For children receiving ongoing ABA treatment at Gold Coast Children’s Center, relevant assessments are incorporated periodically throughout treatment as a supplemental tool to monitor progress. We also offer specific skill assessments as a stand-alone service.